Thursday, February 10, 2011


Rest more laaaa~ Mui Mui... today call u and noe u better edi~ then i feel ok edi... haha~ get well soon :DD
dunno wat to type... too bored and yeah.... Valentine comin edi ??? got ur Valentine ??? haha~ God Bless You

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A True Story-Hachiko

Today i watched this movie...Since after the tuition yesterday i was sick so i rested until today after i woke up from my sleep i watched this movie in HBO...Is about this loyal,loving relationship between the owner and the dog he met after work one night,and that is 'Hachi' which stands for 8 in japanese and is a lucky number in Japan...I was impress with its loyalty,this movie is based on a true story in Japan...If u watched this movie I guess u'll also be impress...This story happened before world war two...

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Happy Chinese New Year

Me and Claire wish u Happy Chinese New
you ^^ wish u all a happy new year and smell the fresh aroma of ang pau money :DD 888 wish to all my fren and pet sibilings a Happy New Year ^^ by Polar Bear and Teddy Bear :DD

Our New Blog :DD

OK... i am Kevin Lim Aka Sharkie.. My Teddy Mui- Claire Kong dunno how to do blog~ haix she useless wan Wan me to help her do blog, so she said tis blog is me and hers wan... Claire smart abit laaaaa, keep stupid hw to bcome smart o~ use Big Brain to think laaaaa... hahahaahaha~ dun mad at me >< if u see tis u reli mad, then sori luuuu... forgive kor kor pls XD hahaha